
2020 dinner party

On the night of Jan.16, 2020 2020 dinner party was held in company.All the family members and friends and suppliers gathered together.

After opening dance , General Manager Mr. Ying made a summary of 2019, and set up goals of 2020. Kangyi will continue satisfying workers’?both material and mental.

And Mr. Ying also thanked all of our suppliers and workers.

After Mr.Ying’s speech, comes the prize, prize for those who made special efforts for company. All the sincere applause shows how much work they have done.

Next came the prize draw, we prepared many prizes .

At last we sang the song”family”, to get together and wish a good new year.

ADD:Yuhuan County, Zhejiang Province,?
Qing Hong Kong Industrial Park
TEL:0086-576-89906602 89906603